Women bombers break new ground (BBC)

According to the BBC, the growing trend of female suicide bombers shatter "'the male monopoly over jihad", according to Dr Mustafa Alani, a counter-terrorism expert with the Gulf Research Centre in Dubai. The martyrs' paradise - often cited as a reward for suicide attackers - need no longer be a male preserve, he says.'
Hey Faatima, see that glass ceiling over there? I'm going to blow it the fuck up!
I don't think it is fair of you to characterize muslims or islam like this. This is a religion that goes back 1,000s of years. If you'd like to learn something instead of just attacking our faith - what we hold in our hearts - please visit my weblog: http://www.ahmed2004uk.blogspot.com/
Otherwise cut it!
I know you probably think it is funny to make fun of muslims like this, but it is incredibly hurtful of you to pull out far-flung examples of our sisters in islam engaging in evil acts like this. we try so hard to spread a positive view of our religion in this world, but all it takes is a few people like you to spread lies. most likely this story is only the result of a zionist or american (and really, what's the difference?) plot to destroy the truth and smear the name of islam. thanks to ahmed for alerting me to this page.
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