So I just had to take a co-worker suffering from anaphylactic shock to the hospital. Anyway, our cab driver, Lawrence, starts yapping about how people who are deathly allergic to dairy should not eat dairy (thanks, Lawrence!), which then segues into a conversation about how short chicks dig tall men, and how fat women dig skinny men, because two fat people can't have sex - "It is like, it is like - have you ever seen beach seals? It is like that - too fat, too fat for fun! HA!" My co-worker is too busy gasping and panting and clawing at her throat and shit to pay much attention to Lawrence's stream-of-consciousness insanity, which left me to try to think up suitably inane responses that would walk that narrow line between encouraging further soliloquizing and accidentally provoking him into brutally disfiguring me with a rusty agricultural implement.
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