The NYT reports that
'aggressive' methods being used in Guantanamo to deter hunger strikes are 'dramatically' effective. Apparently being strapped to a 'padded cell on wheels' and having a tube threaded through your sinuses, down your throat, and into your stomach gives one the time and peaceful solitidue necessary to reflect upon the ineffable beauty of life and majestic rightousness of the American battle for freedom and liberty, and come to the ultimate conclusion that life is indeed worth living.
Oh, and I almost forgot to mention - the same articles cites the military as admitting that only an estimated
8% of Guantanamo detainees were ever members of Al-Quaida, which, if previous experience with Pentagon estimates holds true, translates to meaning that roughly 174% of Guantamo detainees had fuck-all to do with big T Terror.
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