God, I am so fucking right all the time

So it turns out that birdshot doesn't actually migrate like Salmon or Canadian Geese - in a NYT story this morning one of Whittington's doctors is quoted "we knew that he had some birdshot very close to the heart from the get-go," which means that Hospital staff has been trying to mislead the press in spectacularly stupid fashion. Rather than saying "Homeboy was shot, and some of the pellets lodged in his fucking heart," we got this bullshit about how some of the gentle 'spray' of 'pellets' 'migrated' somehow from his superficial wounds to his left ventricle. The article continues;
Dr. O. Wayne Isom, the chairman of heart and chest surgery at Weill Cornell Medical College, said it was unlikely that a pellet would migrate to the heart through the bloodstream, as some have assumed from the account of the Texas doctors.
The reason, Dr. Isom said, is that the pellet would have to enter a vein, travel to and through the lung vessels that go to the heart, and then lodge in heart tissue, not in one of its chambers. The pellets were approximately five millimeters, about the size of a BB, and larger than most blood vessels, said Dr. David Blanchard, director of emergency services at the hospital.
A more likely explanation, Dr. Isom said, is that the pellet lodged in or touched the heart when Mr. Whittington was shot.
Now why the hospital staff would minimize the seriousness of the injury I have no idea, because it's certainly not consistent at all with the generally autistic media strategy adopted by Cheney's people to date.
update on Cheney hunting incident
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